Timing double ionization

The attoclock has been used to determine the timing of strong field ionization. For double ionization of argon we found that the ionization time of the first electron is in good agreement with the model predictions, whereas the ionization of the second electron occurs significantly earlier than predicted (DownloadRef. [310] (PDF, 297 KB)) and the two electrons exhibit some unexpected correlation (DownloadRef. [316] (PDF, 569 KB)).

Commentary by K. Ueda and K. L. Ishikawa
“Attoclocks play devils advocate”
DownloadNature Physics, vol. 7, pp. 371-372, 2011 (PDF, 316 KB)

Invited review article:
[344] A. N. Pfeiffer, C. Cirelli, M. Smolarski, U. Keller
Download“Recent attoclock measurements of strong field ionization” - Invited Review (PDF, 751 KB)
Chemical Physics, vol. 414, pp. 84-91, 2013

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