PhD Theses
[101] Florence Burri, expected graduated date based on 4 years PhD time: Nov. 2025
[100] Nicolas Huwyler, expected graduated date based on 4 years PhD time: Nov. 2025
[99] Moritz Seidel, expected graduated date based on 4 years PhD time: Sep. 2025
[98] Alexander Nussbaum-Lapping, "Development and applications of single-cavity dual-comb lasers", 18. Dec. 2024 (Diss ETH Nr. 30860)
Co-referee: Prof. Dr. Thomas Südmeyer, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland
[97] Sandro Camenzind, "Low-noise dual-comb sources for long-range and hyperspectral distance metrology", 16. Dec 2024 (Diss ETH Nr. 30828)
Co-referee: Prof. Dr. Oliver Heckl, University of Vienna, Austria
[96] Erik de Vos, “Attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy of transition metals”, 28. May 2024 (Diss ETH Nr. 30249)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Matteo Lucchini, Politecnico di Milano, Italy and Prof. Lukas Gallmann, ETH Zurich
[95] Carolin Bauer, “Single-cavity dual-comb optical parametric oscillators and their application to hgh-sensitivity absorption spectroscopy”, 29. April 2024 (Diss ETH Nr. 30233)
Co-referee: Prof. Dr. Derryck Reid, Heriot Watt University, Scotland
[94] Marco Gaulke, “Mapping modelocking progress in GaSb: from VECSEL and SESAM to the dual-comb MIXSEL”, 20. Sep. 2023 (Diss ETH Nr. 29671)
Co-referee: Prof. Dr. Thomas Südmeyer, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland
[93] Jonas Heidrich, “SWIR SESAMs for modelocked semiconductor and solid-state lasers”, 12. Dec. 2022 (Diss ETH Nr. 28893)
Co-referee: Prof. Dr. Mircea Guina, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
[92] Fabian Brunner, “Tunneling time in atomic hydrogen”, 28. Nov. 2022 (Diss ETH Nr. 28767)
Co-referees: Prof. Daniela Rupp and Prof. Lukas Gallmann, ETH Zurich
[91] Pierre-Alexis Chevreuil, “High repetition rate soft-X-ray sources from few-cycle OPCPAs”, 22. Aug. 2022 (Diss ETH Nr. 28609)
Co-referee: Prof. Thomas Feurer, University of Bern and Prof. Lukas Gallmann, ETH Zurich
[90] Arthur Niedermayer, “Electron dynamics in solids from femtosecond to attosecond timescales”, 28. June 2022 (Diss ETH Nr. 28509)
Co-referee: Prof. David J. Norris, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH Zurich, and Prof. Lukas Gallmann, ETH Zürich
[89] Lukas Lang, “Thin-disk lasers for high-power ultrafast optical parametric oscillators”, 2. Jun. 2022 (Diss ETH Nr. 28474)
Co-referee: Prof. Thomas Südmeyer, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland
[88] Léonard Krüger, “Advancing high-repetition rate infrared platforms for broadband frequency comb spectroscopy”, 7. Jan. 2022 (Diss ETH Nr. 28169)
Co-referee: Prof. Scott Diddams, Fellow of NIST and Prof. Adjoint at University of Colorado, USA
[87] Jaco Fuchs, “Novel schemes of attosecond interferometry”, 19. Jan. 2021 (Diss ETH Nr. 27367)
Co-referee: Prof. Anne L’Huillier, Lund University, Sweden
[86] Jacob Nürnberg, “Towards semiconductor disk lasers for single- and dual-comb applications”, 11. Dec. 2020 (Diss ETH Nr. 27300)
Co-referee: Prof. Oliver Heckl, University of Vienna
[85] Stefan Hrisafov, “High-power few-cycle near-infrared OPCPA as a source for high repetition rate soft X-rays”, 30. Oct. 2020 (Diss ETH Nr. 27207)
Co-referees: Prof. Thomas Feurer, University of Bern, Switzerland and Prof. Lukas Gallmann, ETH Zurich
[84] Nadja Hartmann, “Ultrafast processes on different timescales: from attosecond electron dynamics to femtosecond molecular dynamics”, 2. Oct. 2020 (Diss ETH Nr. 27145)
Co-referees: Prof. Ruth Signorell and Prof. Lukas Gallmann, ETH Zurich
[83] Luca Pedrelli, “Measurement and reconstruction of electron wavepackets.” 14. Aug. 2020 (Diss ETH Nr. 27010)
Co-referee: Prof. Dr. Daniela Rupp, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
[82] Francesco Saltarelli, “Novel concepts for versatile and high-power thin-disk laser oscillators,” 31. July 2020 (Diss ETH Nr. 26982)
Co-referee: Prof. Thomas Südmeyer, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland
2019 - 1996
[81] Ivan Graumann, “Novel approaches to power scale ultrafast thin-disk lasers at short pulse durations”, 29. Nov. 2019, (Diss ETH Nr. 26508)
Co-referee: Prof. Jens Limpert, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
[80] Justinas Pupeikis, “Next generation attosecond technology”, 18. Nov. 2019, (Diss ETH Nr. 26454)
Co-referee: Prof. Jean-Pierre Wolf, University of Geneva, Switzerland
[79] Benjamin Willenberg, “Strong-field ionization dynamics beyond the electric dipole approximation and towards benchmark experiments on atomic hydrogen” 27. Aug. 2019 (Diss ETH Nr. 26271)
Co-referee: Prof. Henrik Stapelfeldt, Aarhus University, Denmark
[78] Fabian Schläpfer, “Attosecond electron dynamics in III-V semiconductors” 27. Aug. 2019 (Diss ETH Nr. 26251)
Co-referee: Prof. Adrian Cavalieri, University of Bern and PSI Switzerland
[77] Mikhail Volkov, “Attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy of solids” 30. Nov. 2018 (Diss ETH Nr. 25669)
Co-referees: Prof. Steve Johnson and PD Dr. Lukas Gallmann, D-PHYS, ETH Zurich
[76] Cesare Alfieri, “Semiconductor devices for ultrafast laser applications” 11. Oct. 2018 (Diss ETH Nr. 25522)
Co-referee: Prof. Jürg Leuthold, D-ITET, ETH Zurich
[75] Nicolas Bigler, “High-power ultrafast optical parameter chirped pulse amplifiers in the mid-infrared” 9. Oct. 2018 (Diss ETH Nr. 25521)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Günter Steinmeyer, Institute of Physics of the Humboldt-University Berlin and Max-Born-Institute
[74] Jannie Vos, “Attosecond photoionization dynamics in small molecules” 14. Sept. 2018 (Diss ETH Nr. 25437)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Francesca Calegari, Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL) and Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) & PD Dr. Lukas Gallmann, ETH Zurich
[73] Dominik Waldburger, “Semiconductor disk lasers for optical frequency comb applications” 14. Aug. 2018 (Diss ETH Nr. 25372)
Co-referee: Prof. Dr. Mircea Guina, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
[72] Aline Mayer, “Leveraging novel nonlinear devices for compact gigahertz frequency combs” 13. Feb. 2018 (Diss ETH Nr. 24954)
Co-referee: Prof. Derryck T. Reid, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland
[71] Andreas Diebold, “High-Power Ultrafast Thin-Disk Lasers for Table-Top XUV Generation”, 19. Jan. 2018 (Diss ETH Nr. 24896)
Co-referee: Prof. Dr. F. Kärtner, Universität Hamburg, Germany
[70] Lamia Kasmi, “Attosecond Band Structure Effect in Photoemission Dynamics from Solid Surfaces”, 6. Dec. 2017 (Diss ETH Nr. 24837)
Co-referee: Prof. Dr. M. Aeschlimann, TU Kaiserslautern, Germany
[69] Sandro M. Link, “Dual-comb modelocked lasers”, 5. Sep. 2017 (Diss ETH Nr. 24613)
Co-referee: Prof. Dr. Nathalie Picqué, MPQ Garching, Germany
[68] Cornelia Hofmann, “Attosecond electron dynamics in strong-field ionization”, 4. Oct. 2016 (Diss ETH Nr. 23837)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Alexandra Landsman, MPI Dresden, Germany and Prof. Renato Renner, ETH Zurich
[67] André Ludwig, “Attosecond and Strong-Field Ionization Dynamics in Atoms and Molecules”, 25. Jan. 2016 (Diss ETH Nr. 23279)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Thomas Pfeifer, MPI Heidelberg, Germany and PD Dr. Lukas Gallmann, University of Bern
[66] Benedikt Mayer, “Few-cycle mid-infrared OPCPA and applications in strong-field physics”, 7. Dec. 2015 (Diss ETH Nr. 23150)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Uwe Morgner, Leibniz-Universität Hannover, Germany and PD Dr. Lukas Gallmann, University of Bern
[65] Sebastian Heuser, “Photoemission dynamics from atomic and molecular systems on the attosecond time scale”, 3. Nov. 2015 (Diss ETH Nr. 23074)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Jon Marangos, Imperial College London, U. K. and PD Dr. Lukas Gallmann, University of Bern
[64] Florian Emaury, “High repetition rate XUV sources based on thin-disk oscillators”, 1. Sep. 2015 (Diss ETH Nr. 22936)
Co-referee: Prof. Dr. Jens Limpert, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
[63] Mario Mangold
“Advances in high-power ultrafast MIXSELs”, 16. April 2015 (Diss ETH Nr. 22646)
Co-referee: Prof. Dr. Erwin Bente, Technical University Eindhoven
[62] Cinia Schriber
“Towards high average power SESAM-modelocked thin-disk lasers with short pulse durations”, 9. April 2015 (Diss ETH Nr. 22635)
Co-referee: Prof. Dr. Günter Huber, University of Hamburg
[61] Alexander Klenner
"Gigahertz frequency combs from high-power diode-pumped solid-state lasers", 28. Jan. 2015 (Diss ETH Nr. 22514)
Co-referee: Prof. Dr. Tobias Kippenberg, EPFL
[60] Robert Boge
“Ultrafast momentum spectroscopy in strong-field and XUV single-photon ionization”, 28. Oct. 2014 (Diss ETH Nr. 22331)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Jürg Osterwalder, University of Zurich and PD Dr. Lukas Gallmann, University of Bern
[59] Jens Herrmann
“Attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy: controlling extreme ultraviolet light-matter interaction”, 29. Sep. 2014 (Diss ETH Nr. 22263)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Mauro Nisoli, Politecnico di Milano, Italy and PD Dr. Lukas Gallmann, University of Bern
[58] Christian Zaugg
“Novel Concepts in Modelocked VECSELs”, 19. Sep. 2014 (Diss ETH Nr. 22239)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Mircea Guina, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
[57] Mazyar Sabbar
“Attosecond XUV coincidence spectroscopy”, 1. Sep. 2014 (Diss ETH Nr. 22188)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Hans Jakob Wörner and PD Dr. Lukas Gallmann, University of Bern
[56] Reto Locher, "Attosecond photoemission dynamics from noble metal surfaces", 30. Sep. 2013 (Diss ETH Nr. 21504)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Jürg Osterwalder, University of Zurich and PD Dr. Lukas Gallmann, ETH Zurich
[55] Wolfgang Pallmann, “Passively modelocked electrically pumped VECSELs”, 17. Sep. 2013 (Diss ETH Nr. 21457)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Bernd Witzigmann, Universität Kassel
[54] Oliver Sieber
"Scaling high-power ultrafast VECSELs into the femtosecond regime", 29. May 2013 (Diss ETH Nr. 21247)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Johann Peter Reithmaier, Universität Kassel and Dr. Thomas Südmeyer, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland
[53] Clara Saraceno
"Cutting-edge high-power ultrafast oscillators: pushing the limits of SESAM modelocked thin disk lasers", 14. Dec. 2012 (Diss ETH Nr. 20917)
Co-referees: Dr. Patrick Georges, Institute of d’Optique Palaiseau, France and Dr. Thomas Südmeyer, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland
[52] Matthias Weger
"Attosecond Velocity-Map-Imaging: Design, setup and angular streaking experiments", 9. Nov. 2011 (Diss ETH Nr. 20803)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Hans Jakob Wörner and PD Dr. Lukas Gallmann, ETH Zurich
[51] Valentin Wittwer
“New Frontiers of Ultrafast Semiconductor Disk Lasers: High Power MIXSELs and low Noise VECSELs”, 30. Oct. 2012 (Diss ETH Nr. 20777)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Martin Dawson, University of Strathclyde, Scotland and Dr. Thomas Südmeyer, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland
[50] Clemens Heese
“High‑Power Mid‑Infrared Femtosecond Laser Pulses", 14. May 2012 (Diss ETH Nr. 20438)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Peter Hamm, University of Zurich and PD Dr. Lukas Gallmann, ETH Zurich
[49] Selina Pekarek
“High repetition rate frequency combs from diode-pumped solid state lasers”, 18. Nov. 2011 (Diss ETH Nr. 20081)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. John M. Dudley, Université de France-Comte, France and Dr. Thomas Südmeyer, ETH Zurich
[48] Oliver Heckl
“Peak power scaling with a modelocked thin disk laser”, 24. Oct. 2011 (Diss ETH Nr. 20030)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Fetah Benabid, University of Bath, United Kingdom and Dr. Thomas Südmeyer, ETH Zurich
[47] Martin Hoffmann
“Electrically and optically pumped semiconductor disk lasers – continuous-wave and modelocked”, 20. May 2011 (Diss ETH Nr. 19745)
Co-referee: Prof. Dr. Anne Tropper, University of Southhampton, United Kingdom
[46] Ekatarina Vorobeva
“Short and long-range structural time evolution in optically excited solids probed by X-rays”, 30. March 2011 (Diss ETH Nr. 19628)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. R. Feidenhans’l, University of Copenhagen, and Dr. S. L. Johnson, PSI Villigen
[45] Adrian Pfeiffer
“Attosecond Electron Kinematics in Strong Field Single and Double Ionization”, 2. March 2011 (Diss ETH Nr. 19565)
Co-referee: Prof. Dr. Reinhard Dörner, Frankfurt University, Germany
[44] Cyrill Bär
“New Frontiers in Ultrafast High Power Laser Oscillators”, 3. Dec. 2011 (Diss ETH Nr. 19421)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Günter Huber, University of Hamburg and Dr. Thomas Südmeyer, ETH Zurich
[43] Benjamin Rudin
“High-Power Optically Pumped VECSELs and MIXSELs”, 15. Sep. 2010 (Diss ETH Nr. 19273)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Markus W. Sigrist and Dr. Thomas Südmeyer, ETH Zurich
[42] Mirko Holler
“Attosecond strong field control”, 17. Dec. 2009 (Diss ETH Nr. 18782)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Ian Walmsley, Oxford University, United Kingdom and Dr. Lukas Gallmann, ETH Zurich
[41] Andreas Oehler
“MultiWave - Solid state lasers with up to 100 GHz repetition rate and their application in a novel broadband telecom system”, 16. Dec. 2009 (Diss ETH Nr. 18794)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Hercules Avramopoulos and Dr. Thomas Südmeyer, ETH Zurich
[40] Max Stumpf
“Diode-Pumped Solid State Lasers for Optical Frequency Combs”, 15. Dec. 2009 (Diss ETH Nr. 18799)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Pierre Thomann, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland and Dr. Thomas Südmeyer, ETH Zurich
[39] Florian Schapper
“Attosecond structure of high-order harmonics”, 11. Dec. 2009 (Diss ETH Nr. 18783)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Mauro Nisoli, Politecnico di Milano, Italy and Dr. Lukas Gallmann, ETH Zurich
[38] Aude-Reine Bellancourt
“Modelocking of semiconductor vertical emitters: from VECSEL to MIXSEL” 23. Jan. 2009 (Diss ETH Nr. 18206)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Patrick Georges and Dr. Thomas Südmeyer, ETH Zurich
[37] Deran Maas
“MIXSEL – a new class of ultrafast semiconductor lasers,” 2. Dec. 2008 (Diss ETH Nr. 18121)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Jerome Faist and Dr. Thomas Südmeyer, ETH Zurich
[36] Petrissa Eckle
“Attosecond angular streaking and tunneling time,” 28. Nov. 2008 (Diss ETH Nr. 18118)
Co-referee: Prof. Dr. Reinhard Dörner, Frankfurt University, Germany
[35] Christian Erny
“Femtosecond mid-infrared chirped pulse optical parametric amplification (CPOPA),” 28. Oct. 2008 (Diss ETH Nr. 18065) (Hartung-Gorre Verlag, Konstanz, 2008, ISBN 3-86628-234-6)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Markus W. Sigrist and Dr. Lukas Gallmann, ETH Zurich
[34] Andreas Rutz
“GaInNAs SESAMs and VECSELs at 1.3 and 1.5 µm wavelength,” 30. Sep. 2008 (Diss ETH Nr. 18021) (Hartung-Gorre Verlag, Konstanz, 2008, ISBN 978-3-86628-203-6)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. W. Steurer, ETH and Prof. M. Hopkinson, University of Sheffield, U. K.
[33] Sergio Marchese
“Towards high field physics with high power thin disk laser oscillators,” 18. Dec. 2007 (Diss ETH Nr. 17583) (Hartung-Gorre Verlag, Konstanz, 2008, ISBN 978-3-86628-193-6)
Co-referees: Prof. Günter Huber, University of Hamburg, Germany and Dr. Thomas Südmeyer, ETH Zurich
[32] Valeria Liverini
“From passive to active devices: GaInNAs as absorber and emitter for lasers at 1.3 µm” 26. April 2007 (Diss ETH Nr. 17199) (Hartung-Gorre Verlag, Konstanz, 2007, ISBN 3-86628-159-5)
Co-referees: Prof. Bolognesi, D-ITET, ETH and Prof. Hopkinson, University of Sheffield, U. K.
[31] Simon Zeller
“Picosecond solid-state lasers with GHz repetition rates,” dipl. Phys. ETH, 7. Dec. 2006 (Diss. ETH Nr. 16972)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Anne Tropper, University of Southhampton and Dr. Thomas Südmeyer, ETH Zurich
[30] Adrian Schlatter
“Noise properties of high repetition-rate solid-state lasers,” dipl. Phys. ETH, 4. Dec. 2006 (Diss. ETH Nr. 16965) (Hartung-Gorre Verlag, Konstanz, 2007, ISBN 86628-144-7)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. John Dudley, Université de Franche-Comté, Besancon, France and Dr. Thomas Südmeyer, ETH Zurich
[29] Arne Heinrich
"Coherent Control of High Harmonic Generation using Attosecond Pulse Trains", 12. May 2006 (Diss. ETH Nr. 16626)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Tilman Esslinger, ETHZ
[28] Rachel Grange
"Near infrared semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors for high repetition rate lasers", 13. March 2006 (Diss. ETH Nr. 16525)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Markus W. Sigrist, ETHZ
[27] Anastassia Gosteva
"Dispersion management and characterization," 8. Dec. 2005 (ETH Diss Nr. 16393)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Markus Sigrist ETHZ
[26] Dirk Lorenser
"Picosecond VECSELs with repetition rates up to 50 GHz", 5. Dec. 2005 (Diss. ETH Nr. 16382)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Atac Imamoglu and Dr. Heiko Unold, ETHZ
[25] Edith Innerhofer
"High average power Yb:YAG thin disk laser and its application for an RGB laser source", 31. May 2005 (Diss. ETH Nr. 16108) (Hartung-Gore Verlag, Konstanz, 2002, ISBN 3-86628-010-6)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Tilman Esslinger, ETHZ and PD Dr. Rüdiger Paschotta, ETHZ
[24] Christoph Hauri
"Intense ultrashort laser pulse generation for nonlinear laser-matter interaction", 17. May 2005 (Diss. ETH Nr. 16086 )
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Gerard Mourou, ENSTA - Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France and Dr. Jens Biegert, ETHZ
[23] Wouter Kornelis
"Ultrashort pulse characterization in amplitude and phase from the IR to the XUV", 12. April 2005 (Diss. ETH Nr. 16027 ) (Hartung-Gore Verlag, Konstanz, 2002, ISBN 3-xx-936-X)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Ian Walmsley, Oxford University, United Kingdom and Dr. Jens Biegert, ETHZ
[22] Steve Lecomte
"Pulsed diode-pumped solid-state lasers and optical parametric oscillators with GHz repetition rates", 26. Jan. 2005 (Diss. ETH Nr. 15900) (Hartung-Gore Verlag, Konstanz, 2005, ISBN 3-89649-982-3)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Markus Sigrist and PD Dr. Rüdiger Paschotta, ETH
[21] Florian Helbing
"Measurement and control of the carrier-envelope offset phase", 24. Sept. 2004 (Diss. ETH Nr. xxxx) (Hartung-Gore Verlag, Konstanz, 2002, ISBN 3-xx-936-X)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Markus Sigrist and Dr. Jens Biegert, ETHZ
[20] Alex Aschwanden
"High peak-power passively modelocked VECSELs", 9. Sept. 2004 (Diss. ETH Nr. 15706) (Hartung-Gore Verlag, Konstanz, 2002, ISBN 3-89649-xxx)
Co-referees: Prof. Anne Tropper and PD Dr. Rüdiger Paschotta, ETHZ
[19] Birgit Schenkel
"Supercontinuum Generation and Compression", 7. Juni 2004 (Diss. ETH Nr. 15570) (Hartung-Gore Verlag, Konstanz, 2002, ISBN 3-89649-xxx)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Mauro Nisoli, Politecnico, Milan, Italy and Dr. Jens Biegert, ETHZ
[18] Felix Brunner
"High-Power Femtosecond Lasers and Their Application to Nonlinear Optics", 3. Juni 2004 (Diss. ETH Nr. 15563) (Hartung-Gore Verlag, Konstanz, 2002, ISBN 3-89649-xxx)
Co-referees: Prof. Dr. Günter Huber, Univ. of Hamburg and PD Dr. Rüdiger Paschotta, ETHZ
[17] Thomas Südmeyer
“Novel ultrafast nonlinear devices pumped with high power passively mode-locked lasers”, 5. May 2003 (Hartung-Gore Verlag, Konstanz, 2003, ISBN 3-89649-862-2)
Korreferenten: Prof. Dr. Dave C. Hanna, Univ. Southhampton and PD Dr. Rüdiger Paschotta, ETHZ
[16] Lukas Krainer
"High Repetition Rate Solid-State Lasers", 11. April 2002 (Diss. ETH Nr. 14600)
Korreferenten: Prof. Dr. Markus W. Sigrist, ETHZ and Dr. Rüdiger Paschotta, ETHZ
[15] Lukas Gallmann
"Generation and characterization of few-femtosecond optical pulses", 13. Dez. 2001 (Hartung-Gore Verlag, Konstanz, 2002, ISBN 3-89649-715-4)
Korreferenten: Prof. Dr. Ian Walmsley, Oxford University and Dr. Günter Steinmeyer, ETHZ
[14] Reto Häring
"Miniature pulsed laser sources: repetition rates from kilohertz to gigahertz", 5. Dez. 2001 (Hartung-Gore Verlag, Konstanz, 2001, ISBN 3-89649-744-8)
Korreferenten Prof. Dr. Anne Tropper, University of Southhampton and Dr. Rüdiger Paschotta, ETHZ
[13] Marc Achermann
"Ultrafast goes local", Doktorarbeit, 30. Okt. 2001 (Hartung-Gore Verlag, Konstanz, 2001, ISBN 3-89649-732-4)
Korreferent PD Dr. Uwe Siegner, PTB Braunschweig
[12] Markus Haiml
"Optimized non-stoichiometric semiconductor materials for applications in ultrafast nonlinear optics", Doktorarbeit, 30. Okt. 2001 (Diss. ETH Nr. 14411)
Korreferent PD Dr. Uwe Siegner, PTB Braunschweig
[11] Jens Kunde
"Optical Control of Ultrafast Semiconductor Nonlinearities", Doktorarbeit, 12. Dez. 2000 (Hartung-Gore Verlag, Konstanz, 2000, ISBN 3-89649-644-1)
Korreferent PD Dr. Uwe Siegner
[10] Jürg Aus der Au
"Towards High-Power Diode-Pumped Femtosecond All-Solid-State Lasers", Doktorarbeit, 27. Nov. 2000 (Hartung-Gore Verlag, Konstanz, 2000, ISBN 3-89649-636-0)
Korreferent Prof. Dr. Sigrist, IQE ETH
[9] Gabriel Spühler
"Compact ultrafast solid-state lasers", Doktorarbeit, 27. Nov. 2000 (Hartung-Gore Verlag, Konstanz, 2000, ISBN 3-89649-637-9)
Korreferenten: Dr. Rüdiger Paschotta and Prof. Dr. Laporta, Politecnico, Milano
[8] Dirk Sutter
"New Frontiers in Ultrashort Pulse Generation", Doktorarbeit, 28. Jan. 2000 (Hartung-Gore Verlag, Konstanz, 2000, ISBN 3-89649-537-2)
Korreferent: Prof. Dr. Gerber, Würzburg
[7] Sebastian Arlt
"Coherent Femtosecond Spectroscopy of Exciton-Continuum Interaction in Semiconductors", Doktorarbeit 20. Dez. 1999 (Hartung-Gore Verlag, Konstanz, 2000, ISBN 3-89649-536-4)
Korreferent PD Dr. Uwe Siegner
[6] Nicolai Matuschek
"Theory and Design of Double-Chirped Mirrors", Doktorarbeit, 1. Juli 1999 (Hartung-Gore Verlag, Konstanz, 1999, ISBN 3-89649-501-1)
Korreferent Prof. Dr. Mitschke, Rostock
[5] C. Hönninger
"Ultrafast Ytterbium-Doped Bulk Lasers and Laser Amplifiers", Doktorarbeit, 7. Dec. 1998 (Hartung-Gore Verlag, Konstanz, 1999, ISBN 3-89649-391-2)
[4] R. Fluck
"Compact Pulsed Diode-Pumped Solid-State Lasers at 1.3 µm and 1.5 µm", Doktorarbeit, 20. Feb. 1998 (Hartung-Gore Verlag, Konstanz, 1998, ISBN 3-89649-292-6)
[3] I. D. Jung
"Limits of Ultrashort Pulse Generation", Doktorarbeit, 24. Okt. 1997 (Hartung-Gore Verlag, Konstanz, 1997, ISBN 3-89649-238-1)
[2] B. Braun
"Compact pulsed diode-pumped solid-state lasers", Doktorarbeit, 29. Nov. 1996
[1] D. Kopf
"Compact Diode-pumped Femtosecond and cw Solid-State Lasers", Doktorarbeit, 30. Sept. 1996