Physics Department ETH Zurich
For an overview, please see
Prof. Ursula Keller
For an overview, please see Honors and Awards of Prof. Ursula Keller.
Members of ULP
8/2024 Moritz Seidel, Best Oral Presentation Award
for the work on "Mode-locked Thin-Disk Laser Oscillator with 550 W of Average Output Power", (Download Certificate (PDF, 191 KB))
Vilnius, Lithuania, August 25th – 30th, 2024
1/2024 Maximilian Schuchter, Photonics West 2024, best student presentation award
in recognition for an outstanding paper on "Investigation on wavelength, strain and barrier materials in SWIR InGaSb SESAMs", (Download Certificate (PDF, 315 KB), Download Picture (JPEG, 1.2 MB))
SPIE Photonics West 2024, LASE, Vertical External Surface Emitting Lasers (VECSELs) XIII, Conference 12868-8, San Francisco, California, USA, Jan. 31 - Feb. 01, 2024 (external page Link)
10/2023 Moritz Seidel, Student Paper Award
for the work on "Modelocked Thin-Disk Laser Oscillator Providing More Than 400 W Average Output Power With a Replicating Cavity Design", (Download Certificate (PDF, 110 KB))
Optica Laser Congress, Tacoma, Washington, USA, 8 – 12 Dec., 2023
8/2023 Carolin Bauer, Optica Sensing Congress, FTS student paper competition winner
for the work on "Mid-IR dual-comb spectroscopy of acetylene using a 250-MHz optical parametric oscillator", (Download Certificate (PDF, 55 KB))
Optica Sensing Congress 2023, Munich, Germany, Jul. 30 - Aug. 04, 2023
1/2023 Marco Gaulke, Photonics West 2023, best student presentation award
in recognition for an outstanding paper on "Femtosecond pulses from a backside-cooled 2-μm, GDD balanced InGaSb VECSEL", (Download Certificate (PDF, 2.3 MB), Download Picture (JPEG, 199 KB))
SPIE Photonics West 2023, LASE, Vertical External Surface Emitting Lasers (VECSELs) XII, Conference 12404-14, San Francisco, California, USA, Jan. 28 - Feb. 02, 2023 (external page Link)
10/2022 Carolin Bauer, Student Paper Award
for the work on "Dual-Comb Spectroscopy of C2H2 in the SWIR Using a 250-MHz Optical Parametric Oscillator", (Download Certificate (PDF, 202 KB))
Optica Laser Congress, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain, 11 – 15 Dec., 2022
9/2022 Carolin Bauer, EPS QEOD travel grant student award
in recognition for outstanding scientific contributions to the 10th Europhoton Conference on Solid-State, Fibre, and Waveguide Coherent Light Sources (Download Certificate (PDF, 333 KB))
7/2021 Dr. Ajanta Barh has become a new OSA Senior Member
10/2020 "IPG Student Paper Award, 2nd Prize”
Léonard M. Krüger, A. S. Mayer, Y. Okawachi, X. Ji, A. Klenner, A. R. Johnson, C. Langrock, M. M. Fejer, M. Lipson, A. L. Gaeta, V. J. Wittwer, T. Südmeyer, C. R. Phillips, U. Keller
"Self-Referenced CEO Frequency Detection of a 10-GHz Laser Enabled by Highly Efficient Nonlinear Waveguides", Video
OSA Laser Congress 2020, Virtual Event, 13 - 16 Oct. 2020
05/2020 "Best Student talk - Maiman Student Paper Competition”
Jaco Fuchs, Nicolas Douguet, Stefan Donsa, Fernando Martin, Joachim Burgdörfer, Luca Argenti, Laura Cattaneo and Ursula Keller
"Delays from One-Photon-Transitions in the Continuum", Video
Cleo 2020, San Francisco, California, USA, 11 - 15 May 2020
02/2019 "Best Student Paper Award"
Jacob Nürnberg, Cesare G. E. Alfieri, Dominik Waldburger, Léonard M. Krüger, Matthias Golling, Ursula Keller
"Light detection and ranging with a single free-running dual-comb semiconductor disk laser"
SPIE Photonics West 2019, LASE, Vertical External Surface Emitting Lasers (VECSELs) IX, Conference 10901-24, San Francisco, California, USA, Feb. 02 - Feb. 07, 2019
9/2018: Lukas Gallmann elected Fellow of the Optical Society of America (OSA)
Lukas Gallmann has been elected Fellow of the OSA in recognition of his "[..] major and sustained contributions to the generation of few-cycle laser pulses, their application in attosecond science and the extension of attosecond science towards condensed matter".
7/2018 Cesare Alfieri "Best student paper, 3rd Prize"
C. G. E. Alfieri, D. Waldburger, J. Nürnberg, M. Golling, U. Keller
"Quantum dot semiconductor disk lasers: record performance depending on growth techniques" – Talk NoM2D.3
OSA Advanced Photonics Congress 2018, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, July 2-5, 2018
01/2018 Jacob Nürnberg "Best Student Paper Award"
Jacob Nürnberg, Cesare G. E. Alfieri, Sandro M. Link, Dominik Waldburger, Matthias Golling, Ursula Keller
"Femtosecond dual-comb MIXSEL at 1030 nm"
SPIE Photonics West 2018, LASE, Vertical External Surface Emitting Lasers (VECSELs) VIII, Conference 10515, San Francisco, California, USA, Jan. 27- Feb. 01, 2018
10/2017 Dominik Waldburger "Student Presentation Award"
D. Waldburger, S. M. Link, C. G. Alfieri, M. Golling, U. Keller
"Coherent Beam Combining of a Colliding Pulse Modelocked VECSEL" – Talk AW4A.5
Advanced Solid-State Lasers Conference 2017 (ASSL 2017), Boston, USA, Oct. 1-Oct. 5, 2017
10/2017 Francesco Saltarelli "Student Presentation Award"
F. Saltarelli, A. Diebold, I. Graumann, C. Phillips, U. Keller
"Nonlinear-Mirror Modelocked Thin-Disk Laser Delivering 21 W Average Power with 324-fs Pulses" – Talk ATh1A.2
Advanced Solid-State Lasers Conference 2017 (ASSL 2017), Boston, USA, Oct. 1-Oct. 5, 2017
08/2017 Nadja Hartmann "Best Poster"
"Ultrafast Attosecond Electron Dynamics at Solid State Surfaces"
CRC Summer School in St. Peter-Ording, Germany, 7. - 1. Aug., 2017
07/2017 Lamia Kasmi "Best Student Talk"
L. Kasmi, M. Lucchini, L. Castiglioni, P. Kliuiev, J. Osterwalder, M. Hengsberger, L. Gallmann, P. Krüger, U. Keller
"Effective mass effect on atomic scale electron propagation in solids" – Talk (Download Certificate (JPEG, 228 KB))
6th International Conference on Attosecond Physics (ATTO 2017), Xi’an, China, July 2-7, 2017
10/2016 Sandro Link "Overall Best Student Presentation"
S.M. Link, D. Waldburger, C.G.E. Alfieri, M. Golling, U. Keller
"Stabilized Microwave Frequency Comb from a Dual-Comb Modelocked Semiconductor Disk Laser" – Talk ATu1A.7
Advanced Solid-State Lasers Conference 2016 (ASSL 2016), Boston, USA, Oct. 30-Nov. 3, 2016
10/2016 Ivan Graumann, "Outstanding Student Poster Presentation Award"
A. Diebold, Z. Jia, I. Graumann, Y. Yin, F. Emaury, C. Saraceno, X. Tao, U. Keller
"Yb:GGG Thin-Disk Oscillator with High Power Continuous Wave Operation“ – Poster AM5A.18
Advanced Solid-State Lasers Conference 2016 (ASSL 2016), Boston, USA, Oct. 30-Nov. 3, 2016
10/2015 Sandro Link "Outstanding Oral Presentation Award"
S. M. Link, M. Mangold, M. Golling, A. Klenner, U. Keller
“Modelocked dual-comb lasers” – Talk ATh4A.3
Advanced Solid-State Lasers Conference 2015 (ASSL 2015), Berlin, Germany, Oct. 4-9, 2015
10/2015 Aline Mayer "Best Student Paper Award"
A. S. Mayer, A. Klenner, A. R. Johnson, K. Luke, M. R. E. Lamont, Y. Okawachi, M. Lipson, A. L. Gaeta, U. Keller
“Low-noise gigahertz frequency comb from diode-pumped solid-state laser using silicon nitride waveguides” – Talk ATh4A.5
Advanced Solid-State Lasers Conference 2015 (ASSL 2015), Berlin, Germany, Oct. 4-9, 2015
05/2015 C. Hofmann "VMP Assistentenaward"
For her excellent exercise class during spring semester 2015, VMP ETH Zurich
08/2014 Lukas Gallmann "OSA Outstanding Reviewer Award"
Optical Society of America, 2014
06/2014 Florian Emaury "Student Presentation Award"
F. Emaury, A. Klenner, A. Diebold, C. Schriber, C. J. Saraceno, S. Schilt, U. Keller, T. Südmeyer
“Thin disk lasers enable high-power frequency combs”
28th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF 2014), Neuchatel, Switzerland, June 23-26, 2014
02/2014 Mario Mangold "Best Student Paper Award"
M. Mangold, V. J. Wittwer, C. A. Zaugg, S. M. Link, M. Golling, B. W. Tilma, U. Keller
“Picosecond MIXSEL for clocking applications”
SPIE Photonics West 2014, LASE, Vertical External Surface Emitting Lasers (VECSELs) IV, Conference LA116, San Francisco, California, USA, Feb. 1-6, 2014
01/2014 Mario Mangold "Best Poster Award"
M. Mangold, S. M. Link, V. J. Wittwer, A. Klenner, M. Golling, B. W. Tilma, U. Keller
“Record low timing jitter of a free-running high-power MIXSEL” – Poster ATu3A.57
Advanced Solid-State Lasers 2013 (ASSL 2013), Paris, France, 27. Oct. – 1. Nov. 2013
11/2013 Clara J. Saraceno "ETH medal"
Clara J. Saraceno "Cutting-edge high-power ultrafast oscillators: pushing the limits of SESAM modelocked thin disk lasers"
Doctoral Dissertation 14. Dec. 2012
07/2013 Andreas Diebold "Best Poster Award"
A. Diebold, F. Emaury, C. Schriber, A. Klenner, C.J. Saraceno, S. Schilt, T. Südmeyer, U. Keller
“62 fs pulses from a SESAM modelocked Yb:CALGO thin disk laser and CEO frequency stabilization”
540th WE-Heraeus-Seminar on “Modern Concepts of Continous Wave and Pulsed High Power Lasers”, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany, Jul. 14 to Jul. 17, 2013
05/2013 Clara J. Saraceno "QEOD Thesis Prize for Applied Aspects"
Clara J. Saraceno "Cutting-edge high-power ultrafast oscillators: pushing the limits of SESAM modelocked thin disk lasers"
Doctoral Dissertation 14. Dec. 2012
03/2013 Florian Emaury "Award for the Best Student Oral Presentation"
F. Emaury, C. F. Dutin, C. J. Saraceno, M. Trant, O. H. Heckl, Y. Wang, C. Schriber, F. Gerome, T. Südmeyer, F. Benabid, U. Keller
“Beam delivery and pulse compression to sub-50 fs of a modelocked thin disk laser in a gas-filled Kagome-type HC-PCF fiber” – Talk We2.6
Ultrafast Optics 2013 (UFO IX), Davos Congress Centre, Switzerland, March 4-8, 2013
03/2013 Oliver D. Sieber "Award for the best student poster presentation"
O. D. Sieber, M. Mangold, V. J. Wittwer, M. Hoffmann, M. Golling, B. W. Tilman, U. Keller
“Towards compact frequency combs from ultrafast VECSELs” – Poster MoP.5
Ultrafast Optics 2013 (UFO IX), Davos Congress Centre, Switzerland, March 4-8, 2013
06/2012 A. Ludwig "Best Poster Award"
A. Ludwig, J. Herrmann, M. Sabbar, R. Locher, M. Weger, M. Lucchini, L. Gallmann, and U. Keller
"High Harmonic Generation and Attoscience" - Poster Presentation
Summer School of Ultrafast Laser Science and Applications (SSCS), Menorca, Spain, 10-15 June 2012
05/2012 C. J. Saraceno "VP-Award"
VP-award for the new experiment on the "Solid-State Laser", Department of Physics, ETH Zurich
05/2012 M. Lucchini "ETH Postdoctoral Fellowship"
ETH Zurich Postdoctoral Fellowship for excellent Postdoctoral Researchers including a 2-year grant
02/2012 C. J. Saraceno "Best Student Poster Presentation"
C. J. Saraceno, M. Hoffmann, C. Schriber, O. H. Heckl, C. R. E. Baer, M. Golling, T. Südmeyer, U. Keller
“SESAMs for high-power femtosecond modelocking: influence of growth temperature on damage and nonsaturable losses” – Poster Session 1, Poster AM4A.13
Advanced solid-state photonics (ASSP 2012), San Diego, California, USA, 29. Jan. – 1. Feb. 2012
01/2012 Hirofumi Yanagisawa "Kazato Research Encouragement Prize"
For his research on "Laser induced field emission" by the Kazato research foundation, 2011
07/2011 Hirofumi Yanagisawa "Young Scientist Award"
In the category "Best Talk" at the 24th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference 2011
08/2010 Adrian Pfeiffer "Best Poster Prize"
A. N. Pfeiffer, C. Cirelli, M. Smolarski, M. Abu-Samha, D. Dimitrovski, L. B. Madsen, U. Keller
“Attosecond dynamics and Coulomb corrections in strong laser field ionization”
Ultrafast Atomic Physics – Towards the Zeptosecond Regime, 463. WE-Heraeus-Seminar, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, near Bonn, Germany, Aug. 19-22, 2010
2009 Deran Maas "QEOD Thesis Prize"
Best Ph.D. thesis in applied quantum electronics and optics, European Physical Society, Quantum Electronics and Optics Division,
Mulhouse, France
2009 Petrissa Eckle "ETH Medal"
Outstanding Ph.D. thesis, ETH Zurich
07/2009 Florian Schapper "Travel Award"
F. Schapper, M. Holler, L. Gallmann, U. Keller
“Chirp-controlled polarization gating for isolated attosecond pulse generation”
ATTO 09, Kansas, USA, July 28 – Aug. 1, 2009
07/2009 Mirko Holler "Travel Award"
M. Holler, F. Schapper, J. Mauritsson, K. J. Schafer, L. Gallmann, U. Keller
“Attosecond transient absorption of high order harmonics in helium”
ATTO 09, Kansas, USA, July 28 – Aug. 1, 2009
07/2009 Adrian Pfeiffer "Travel Award"
A. N. Pfeiffer, C. Cirelli, M. Smolarski, R. Dörner, U. Keller
“Electron release dynamics in double ionization of Ar and Ne by elliptically polarized laser pulses” – Poster presentation
ATTO 09, Kansas, USA, July 28 – Aug. 1, 2009
02/2009 Cyrill Bär "ASSP Student Presentation Travel Award"
C. R. E. Baer, C. Kränkel, O. H. Heckl, A. G. Engqvist, M. Golling, T. Südmeyer, U. Keller, R. Peters, K. Petermann, G. Huber
“275-fs pulses from SESAM modelocked Yb:LuScO3 thin disk laser” – Poster TuB17
Advanced Solid-State Photonics (ASSP ’09), Denver, Colorado, USA, Feb. 1-4, 2009
02/2009 Martin Hoffmann "ASSP Student Presentation Travel Award"
M. Hoffmann, Y. Barbarin, D. J. H. C. Maas, M. Golling, T. Südmeyer, U. Keller, I. L. Krestnikov, S. S. Mikhrin, A. R. Kovsh
“First modelocked quantum dot vertical external cavity surface emitting laser” – Talk ME5
Advanced Solid-State Photonics (ASSP ’09), Denver, Colorado, USA, Feb. 1-4, 2009
02/2009 Andreas Oehler "ASSP Student Presentation Travel Award"
A. E. H. Oehler, T. Südmeyer, U. Keller, K. J. Weingarten
“100 GHz passively mode-locked Er:Yb:glass laser at 1.5 µm and experimental indentification of transverse cavity-mode degeneries” – Talk MA4
Advanced Solid-State Photonics (ASSP ’09), Denver, Colorado, USA, Feb. 1-4, 2009
09/2008 Aude-Reine Bellancourt "Award for Best Student Oral presentation"
A. R. Bellancourt, D. J. H. C. Maas, B. Rudin, M. Golling, T. Südmeyer, U. Keller
“Modelocked integrated external-cavity surface emitting laser (MIXSEL)” – Talk WEoC.2
3rd EPS-QEOD Europhoton Conference on Solid-State and Fiber Coherent Light Sources (Europhoton 2008), Paris France, Aug. 31-Sept. 5, 2008
01/2008 Aude-Reine Bellancourt "International Symposium SOKENDAI Student Award"
A. R. Bellancourt, D. J. H. C. Maas, B. Rudin, M. Golling, T. Südmeyer, U. Keller
“Modelocked integrated external-cavity surface emitting laser (MIXSEL)” – Talk ME7
Advanced Solid-State Photonics (ASSP ’08), Nara, Japan, Jan. 27-30, 2008
01/2008 Cyrill Bär "International Symposium SOKENDAI Student Award"
C. R. E. Baer, S. V. Marchese, S. Hashimoto, M. S. Ruosch, R. Grange, M. Golling, T. Südmeyer, U. Keller, G. Lépine, G. Gingras, B. Witzel
“Femtosecond thin disk lasers exceed pulse energies of 10 microjoule and enable high field physics experiments” – Talk ME4
Advanced Solid-State Photonics (ASSP ’08), Nara, Japan, Jan. 27-30, 2008
01/2008 Sergio V. Marchese "International Symposium SOKENDAI Student Award"
S. V. Marchese, C. R. E. Baer, A. G. Engqvist, M. Golling, D. J. H. C. Maas, T. Südmeyer, U. Keller, R. Peters, C. Kränkel, K. Petermann, G. Huber
“Efficient femtosecond Yb:Lu2O3 thin disk laser” – Talk ME5
Advanced Solid-State Photonics (ASSP ’08), Nara, Japan, Jan. 27-30, 2008
05/2004 Valeria Liverini "Graduate student award"
V. Liverini, S. Schön, R. Grange, M. Haiml, S. C. Zeller, U. Keller
“GaInNAs SESAMs passively mode-locking 1.3 µm solid-state lasers” – Talk M-V.04
E-MRS 2004 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, May 24-28, 2004
02/2004 Jens Biegert "Allen Award"
For "an exceptional interdisciplinary contribution combining the field of coherent interactions and adative optics, leading to multiwavelength guidestars". Optical Society of America, Washington D.C.