Highlighted as an Editor’s Pick

Our manuscript "Coherently averaged dual-comb spectroscopy with a low-noise and high-power free-running gigahertz dual-comb laser" has been selected as the Editor’s Pick in Optics Express.

by Ursula Keller

Editor's Picks serve to highlight articles with excellent scientific quality and are representative of the work taking place in a specific field.

[506] C. R. Phillips, B. Willenberg, A. Nussbaum-Lapping, F. Callegari, S. L. Camenzind, J. Pupeikis, U. Keller
Download"Coherently averaged dual-comb spectroscopy with a low-noise and high-power free-running gigahertz dual-comb laser" (PDF, 3.1 MB)
Optics Express, vol. 31, No. 5, pp. 7103-7119, 2023

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